E.1 A checklist for good scientific graphics

TABLE E.1: A checklist for good scientific graphics
Criterion Details
1 Caption Does the graph have a descriptive caption under the graph: comprehensive, clear and accurate (what, where, when)?
2 Simplicity Is the information is presented simply (e.g. not too many messages in one graph)?
3 Clarity Is the information is presented clearly (e.g. use visible symbols; colours and symbols explained; no chart junk; no unnecessary 3-D; minimum axis tick marks; faint grid lines if needed)?
4 Accuracy Is the information accurate (e.g., not misleading, complete)?
5 Message Is the main message, theme, trend, or comparison of greatest importance easily seen?
6 Scaling Are the comparisons made on linear scale (e.g. avoiding comparison of volumes or areas or angles)?
7 Organisation Are the data are sorted meaningfully to aid interpretation?
8 Units Are the units of measurement given?